Other Resources
Where to turn for support in berlin
AWO is an organisation helping working class people, people with disabilities, seniors, refugees, migrants etc.. They offer debt counselling but it varies in each district. You can Google “AWO Schuldnerberatung” and the name of your area in order to find a local chapter Languages: German, English, possibly more
Caritas is a catholic social organisation. They offer counselling in which they help migrants/refugees with paperwork regarding migration.
LesMigras as a working group within Lesbenberatung stands for the rights of lesbian and bisexual Migrants, Black Lesbians and trans* individuals. They list as one of their main goals “to stand up against all forms of violence and discrimination against lesbian and bisexual women, trans* and inter* (LBTI). There are psychological, economic, physical, individual, structural or institutional forms of discrimination and violence.” LesMigraS offers personalised advice in person or over the phone in English, Farsi, Dutch, Turkish or German. They also offer legal advice on asylum and human and workers’ rights, legal help in cases of discrimination, relationship and life advice for LGBTQIA+ people, and bureaucratic and financial advice.
Languages: English, Farsi, Dutch, Turkish, German. -
Frauentreff OLGA is for women who use drugs, struggle with drug dependency and/or work as sex workers. They can help with jobcentre applications and other paperwork, finding housing, drug counselling, and getting health insurance. They offer free doctors’ appointments (and STI testing) and much more.
Languages: German, English, Romanian and Bulgarian. olga@notdienstberlin.de
Hydra is for sex workers of all genders. They can help with jobcentre and other paperwork, finding housing, (trauma) counselling, health insurance and much more. Languages: German, English, Bulgarian, Spanish and others
Subway/SMART is for male sex workers. They have started helping with jobcentre and other paperwork, and in some instances can help with housing and health insurance. They offer free doctors’ appointments (and STI testing).
Languages: German, English, Romanian
Trans*Sexworks is a project by and for trans sex workers. They do not have social workers but can help with paperwork and can help supporting trans sex workers in need. Languages: German, English, Bulgarian, Spanish, French, Turkish, Romani, Macedonian sexworksberlin@gmail.com
The Black Sex Workers Collective
Sex Worker Union Berlin -
Schwulenberatung is an organisation founded in 1981 aimed at providing free advice and support to gay and queer men, trans* and intersex individuals. From their website: “It could be stress at work, psychological problems, or even problems with paperwork and bureaucracy. Have you suffered discrimination? Or do you have questions about pensions, relationship problems, or suffer from addiction? We know the issues that our community often faces and will endeavour to find a solution to every situation. We are professionally trained and also equipped to support people with mental or physical disabilities.” Their services range from anonymous email advice to assisted living. In the initial counselling meeting, Schwulenberatung’s counsellors take an hour for each visitor in a one-on-one conversation. They can help with jobcentre paperwork, getting health insurance, finding housing and much more.
Languages: German, English and probably more
TransInterQueer e.V. offers help with jobcenter and similar paperwork for trans, intersex and non-binary people. Languages: German, English, possibly more
Rat und Tat offers counselling for queer/lesbian women and also offers help with jobcenter and other paperwork. Languages: German, English, possibly more.
Lesbenberatung was originally set up for lesbians, but now serves a variety of queer experiences including trans* and cis women, trans* men, and gender-queer, non-binary, trans* and intersex people. From their website: “The "Lesbenberatung" is not just a centre for counselling and communication, it is much more than that. We offer counselling to lesbian and bi-sexual women of all ages, transgender people and all women in crisis or conflict situations irrespective of age, nationality or cultural background. We pursue an open house policy and no one that comes to us with an enquiry is left out in the cold, which can be taken literally, as we now also have barrier-free access and facilities.” Lesbenberatung offers bureaucratic and financial advice, psychological support with each first counselling session free of charge, and a variety of other services at their centre.
Languages: English, German, Polish, Turkish and many more.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität offers a supplementary photo ID with your preferred/chosen name, gender and pronouns. The card will also include your official government ID number (i.e. Ausweisnummer or passport number). This means that a government-issued ID is required to complete the order. Production and shipping cost 19.90 Euros in total, which can be paid via bank transfer. Various public institutions accept this ID as formal identification, including the Berlin Public Library. -
Misfits offers counselling and help for drug users. Languages: German, English, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Arabic
Schwulenberatung offers drug counselling.
Drogennotdienst offers help, support and counselling for drug users. They can help with paperwork, housing, health care and so on. Languages: German, English, possibly more. -
Note: None of these places will ask you for identification.
Clearingstelle für nicht krankenversicherte Menschen helps people get health insurance and they will cover costs for a check-up, operations etc. Anyone with no health insurance should go here! The group is funded by the city and the people working there are bound to confidentiality.
Jenny de la Torre Stiftung offers free healthcare for unhoused people with no health insurance. They have a regular doctor, dentist, psychologist, drug counselling, dermatologist and much more. Languages: German, English, Spanish, possibly more.
Checkpoint BLN offers HIV/STI and STI testing for queer men, intersex and trans people and for sex workers. If you say you don’t have any money they wont charge you and they can help if people have HIV or an STI and can’t afford treatment.
Malteser offers free check-ups for people with no health insurance that have an injury or are pregnant.
Kostenübernahme für Verhütungsmittel allows you to have your contraceptives paid for by the state if you don’t have a job, are a student, in an apprenticeship or have a low income. -
Krisendienst is there for people who are experiencing a crisis. You can get an appointment with a psychologist very fast.
Berliner Notruf has a list of various help lines that can be called in different languages, for different issues etc.
Where to turn for support in berlin
AWO is an organisation helping working class people, people with disabilities, seniors, refugees, migrants etc.. They offer debt counselling but it varies in each district. You can Google “AWO Schuldnerberatung” and the name of your area in order to find a local chapter Languages: German, English, possibly more
Diakonie is a protestant social organisation and they also offer debt counselling. Once again, the internet can be helpful for finding your local chapter. Languages: German, English, possibly more
Caritas is a catholic social organisation offering help for people in debt.
Languages: German, English, possibly more
Caritas is a catholic social organisation. They offer counselling in which they help migrants/refugees with paperwork regarding migration.
LesMigras as a working group within Lesbenberatung stands for the rights of lesbian and bisexual Migrants, Black Lesbians and trans* individuals. They list as one of their main goals “to stand up against all forms of violence and discrimination against lesbian and bisexual women, trans* and inter* (LBTI). There are psychological, economic, physical, individual, structural or institutional forms of discrimination and violence.” LesMigraS offers personalised advice in person or over the phone in English, Farsi, Dutch, Turkish or German. They also offer legal advice on asylum and human and workers’ rights, legal help in cases of discrimination, relationship and life advice for LGBTQIA+ people, and bureaucratic and financial advice.
Languages: English, Farsi, Dutch, Turkish, German.
Frauentreff OLGA is for women who use drugs, struggle with drug dependency and/or work as sex workers. They can help with jobcentre applications and other paperwork, finding housing, drug counselling, and getting health insurance. They offer free doctors’ appointments (and STI testing) and much more.
Languages: German, English, Romanian and Bulgarian. olga@notdienstberlin.de
Hydra is for sex workers of all genders. They can help with jobcentre and other paperwork, finding housing, (trauma) counselling, health insurance and much more. Languages: German, English, Bulgarian, Spanish and others
Subway/SMART is for male sex workers. They have started helping with jobcentre and other paperwork, and in some instances can help with housing and health insurance. They offer free doctors’ appointments (and STI testing).
Languages: German, English, Romanian
Trans*Sexworks is a project by and for trans sex workers. They do not have social workers but can help with paperwork and can help supporting trans sex workers in need. Languages: German, English, Bulgarian, Spanish, French, Turkish, Romani, Macedonian sexworksberlin@gmail.com
The Black Sex Workers Collective
Schwulenberatung is an organisation founded in 1981 aimed at providing free advice and support to gay and queer men, trans* and intersex individuals. From their website: “It could be stress at work, psychological problems, or even problems with paperwork and bureaucracy. Have you suffered discrimination? Or do you have questions about pensions, relationship problems, or suffer from addiction? We know the issues that our community often faces and will endeavour to find a solution to every situation. We are professionally trained and also equipped to support people with mental or physical disabilities.” Their services range from anonymous email advice to assisted living. In the initial counselling meeting, Schwulenberatung’s counsellors take an hour for each visitor in a one-on-one conversation. They can help with jobcentre paperwork, getting health insurance, finding housing and much more.
Languages: German, English and probably more
TransInterQueer e.V. offers help with jobcenter and similar paperwork for trans, intersex and non-binary people. Languages: German, English, possibly more
Rat und Tat offers counselling for queer/lesbian women and also offers help with jobcenter and other paperwork. Languages: German, English, possibly more.
Lesbenberatung was originally set up for lesbians, but now serves a variety of queer experiences including trans* and cis women, trans* men, and gender-queer, non-binary, trans* and intersex people. From their website: “The "Lesbenberatung" is not just a centre for counselling and communication, it is much more than that. We offer counselling to lesbian and bi-sexual women of all ages, transgender people and all women in crisis or conflict situations irrespective of age, nationality or cultural background. We pursue an open house policy and no one that comes to us with an enquiry is left out in the cold, which can be taken literally, as we now also have barrier-free access and facilities.” Lesbenberatung offers bureaucratic and financial advice, psychological support with each first counselling session free of charge, and a variety of other services at their centre.
Languages: English, German, Polish, Turkish and many more.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität offers a supplementary photo ID with your preferred/chosen name, gender and pronouns. The card will also include your official government ID number (i.e. Ausweisnummer or passport number). This means that a government-issued ID is required to complete the order. Production and shipping cost 19.90 Euros in total, which can be paid via bank transfer. Various public institutions accept this ID as formal identification, including the Berlin Public Library.
Misfits offers counselling and help for drug users. Languages: German, English, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Arabic
Schwulenberatung offers drug counselling.
Drogennotdienst offers help, support and counselling for drug users. They can help with paperwork, housing, health care and so on. Languages: German, English, possibly more.
Note: None of these places will ask you for identification.
Clearingstelle für nicht krankenversicherte Menschen helps people get health insurance and they will cover costs for a check-up, operations etc. Anyone with no health insurance should go here! The group is funded by the city and the people working there are bound to confidentiality.
Jenny de la Torre Stiftung offers free healthcare for unhoused people with no health insurance. They have a regular doctor, dentist, psychologist, drug counselling, dermatologist and much more. Languages: German, English, Spanish, possibly more.
Checkpoint BLN offers HIV/STI and STI testing for queer men, intersex and trans people and for sex workers. If you say you don’t have any money they wont charge you and they can help if people have HIV or an STI and can’t afford treatment.
Malteser offers free check-ups for people with no health insurance that have an injury or are pregnant.
Kostenübernahme für Verhütungsmittel allows you to have your contraceptives paid for by the state if you don’t have a job, are a student, in an apprenticeship or have a low income.
Krisendienst is there for people who are experiencing a crisis. You can get an appointment with a psychologist very fast.
Berliner Notruf has a list of various help lines that can be called in different languages, for different issues etc.